Android for Mobile Apps

Android is a complete open source stack that allows one to build mobile applications. The stack includes an operating system, middle-ware and common applications. It also provides us with a Java API to develop our own custom mobile applications. It does not discriminate between common applications vs custom applications. Everything that the common applications can do so can yours (making calls, sending SMS, etc.). Continue reading

Spring LDAP Template

Just like you have JDBC/Hibernate/iBatis templates in Spring, we also have an LDAPTemplate. You can download the spring LDAP library from The template pattern used here lets us avoid common pitfalls such as not cleaning up resources after using an API (in JDBC its the connection, statement and resultset). Why bother when the template can do this for you! Same holds true for LDAP queries. Continue reading

Spring 2.5 Annotations

With release 2.5 of Spring we  have a more complete support in Spring for annotation driven configuration. All of that XML configuration stuff can be set aside now. Release 2.0 had previously introduced some other annotations, @Transactional being my favourite. Continue reading


Most IT managers know about the precious stone ruby and not the programming language Ruby. Its a sad state of affairs where career IT managers are so far disconnected from what is happening in the technology world. Not much you and I can do about that…so let me do some Ruby”ing” here. Continue reading