Some weeks back I came across jQuery. Once in a while a library comes along that makes you say “wow”. To me jQuery is among those. jQuery is a JavaScript library that allows you to perform complicated (or sometimes not complicated but boring) JavaScript work in just a few lines. Continue reading
AJAX Application Performance Tuning
Lets say you have a web application that uses some YUI widgets and also some other commercial AJAX widgets. Now these frameworks contains many .js and .css files that need to come down to the browser. To add to this mix you have your own javascript files. Caching these files in the browsers’ cache will help performance and give the user a better experience. Also since some of these files are quite large we can consider gzipping them on the server to reduce the payload size. Continue reading
YUI Datatable – select all with checkbox column
I am using YUI (version 2.4.1) datatable for tabular data rendering. I needed to allow the users to have the ability to select one or more rows using checkboxes and then submit them to the server for further action. Up to this point you can find sample code on YUI website or other sites if you search around. Continue reading
AJAX Grid Widget
For a recent project I was using Yahoo’s YUI datatable component. With YUI often you can copy code from their site and tweak it to your needs. That to me is a sign of great developer documentation. This is especially needed in case of lots of JavaScript code. I have spent hours trying to figure out why code works in Firefox and not in IE. Only to find an extra comma inside my JSON code. IE is not forgiving regarding the extra comma. Continue reading
Choice of Java frameworks (jdk 1.4)
Its amazing how much work there is when wiring up a new J2EE application from ground up. Deciding on the frameworks to use is one challenge and then wiring them up so they all work seamlessly together is another. JBoss Seam has indeed tried to address this very issue and I wish them all the luck. Continue reading
Scrum vs. Traditional Project Management
Recently I signed up for a SCRUM certification class and that got me thinking about my other effort which is to get PMP certified. PMP”ians” can boast that their certification is industry recognized and achieved only after giving a certification exam. SCRUM certified professionals are “certified” after they attend an approved certification class conducted by a Scrum certified trainer. No test required. Continue reading
CruiseControl + ClearCase + Maven
Recently I set up CruiseControl with ClearCase. While there are a few postings around the blogosphere that cover some of this, I thought I’d blog it here also. More information, the better is for others to find it. Continue reading
Can JSON be friends with XSD?
JSON backed by an XSD schema for correctness. Continue reading
XFire WebService With Spring
Tried setting up XFire with Spring and thought I’d share that experience. One more place to come for this information will not hurt ah! Continue reading
Took a look at Spring-WS and came up with a quick example service to describe its use. I decided to build the not-so-exciting but yet functional ‘echo’ service. Send in a text and it will echo that back with a date and time appended to the text. Continue reading